You Cannot Heal Out of Desire

What emotion does reading this statement evoke in you? Anger? Resistance? Refusal to accept? OR finally an "Aha!" moment!

You cannot heal out of desire

Relief? Understanding why your loved ones won't take action with external motivation alone?

Understanding why you are not all onboard yourself for your own journey?

My name is Olivia and I am a holistic nutritionist & energy healer. My private practice is called "Desire Radiant Health" for many reasons. One of them is you must DESIRE health before ATTAINING health.

I cannot tell you how many times I've seen this exact issue come up with my private clients, family members, loved ones, friends, family friends, coworkers, etc.

Why is this so important, why is this so relevant to be spoken about? Because IF YOU DON'T WANT TO CHANGE, YOU WON'T MAGICALLY CHANGE. You and all sides of yourself need to want the same thing.

Have I ever had a client spend $300 on holistic nutrition consultations with me only to see them not implement any changes? Yes! And it breaks my heart. Though the truth is they weren't ready to change, BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T WANT TO CHANGE! Money wasn't a motivating factor.

For Example: you have a thyroid problem and your holistic nutritionist asks you to discontinue eating gluten (due to gliadin mimicking thyroid hormone), but you LOVE pasta and bread and feel satisfied eating those foods. It's going to be difficult to be open to gluten-free pastas and breads at the beginning because you simply don't want to give up that food. When given all the evidence and you know how important it is to your thyroid health, but you still refuse to give up that food because you enjoy it so much, that is resistance to change and will definitely hold you back from healing.

A lighter example: If your personal goal is to lose 15 lbs. but your favourite foods are donuts, cupcakes, and chocolate, the part of you that feels comfort eating sweets is going to have a hard time embracing the part of you that wants to eat healthier foods.


There is a loved one dear to me (who will remain nameless) who has a severe mental illness and has been hospitalized numerous times in psych wards. Their triggers are drug use, stress, and sleep deprivation. Though once they are discharged from the hospital after being there for months, within weeks of returning home - if not days - they are hanging out with the same group of friends using drugs together like usual, going out with their friends late at night, and coming home the next morning without sleeping are all right back into their routine. This person's mom is very concerned for them, their grandparents are concerned and stressed out, everyone in their family and medical team are putting pressure on this person, but has this person taken any action seriously? NO! Because they haven't been pushed to the point of no return. This person needs something to happen much more extreme than months of hospitalization to inspire them to pursue real action and change.

A friend of mine is very concerned for his mother who has been smoking for 35+ years. He was venting to me that he tells his mom EVERYDAY that he's scared for her health because she's getting older, has terrible smoker's cough, and is at risk for lung cancer, but she always responds with, "I know." I looked my friend in the eye and said, "Your mom isn't going to stop smoking because she likes smoking and doesn't want to stop smoking. That's why she's not changing. She knows all the dangers of smoking, there are gruesome pictures and warnings on every pack of cigarettes, she's well aware of the dangers. It's not personal to you that she doesn't take your concern to heart. It's that she's not going to give up the habit/addiction because she doesn't want to yet." He paused and said, I never thought about it that way. He brought up that conversation between us many times, and I'm very aware it impacted him deeply.

Acceptance of someone's behaviour is not that same as condoning their behaviour. It's accepting that they are in a place where that behaviour is not the one they are ready to work on at this time. It's hard to accept, but we will only stress them out further and drive them away which will likely cause them to pick up their unhealthy habit or addiction to ease the stress of their external environment.

Many people will wake up when things hit rock bottom and they are forced to change now that they can't ignore it. When our body whispers to us warning signs like rashes, low energy, shakiness, coughing, minor pain, bloating, and other symptoms, it's easy for us to ignore them. Drink coffee, boom energy's back. Take Tylenol, no more pain. It isn't until your body screams and you can't ignore your symptoms that you start taking it seriously and address it.

Did you like reading about other people's issues? I know it's much easier to hear about other people's resistance and not look at our own. Though now it's your turn to look inward...

What are YOU resistant to change within yourself? What are you not ready to work on? Why?

There is a part of you that is pleading to stay the same, in contrast to a part of you that truly wants to change and take action.

Sometimes a part of us wants to change, but it's as if our entire self is not on board with that action. There is a part of you that's hindering you from changing. This doesn't mean judge that part, punish it, or diminish its feelings. Ask that part of you that is resistant to change why it isn't on board to take action and what its emotions and fears are around that issue. More than likely it's due to a past traumatic event that was never fully healed and addressed and just masked forward. Your job here is to understand it and accept those feelings as valid and important. After truly sitting with that part of yourself and getting to a place of understanding, ask it if things in your life were to stay the same and stagnant for 10 or 20 years would it be happy? The answer is more than likely a resounding 'no'.

I am a huge fan of Teal Swan's work if you want to learn more about this and do some self-healing. I recommend watching these videos: Resistance?; URGENT! Deal with your Resistance Before You Do Anything Else!; if you want a really deep dive after watching these, watch Fragmentation.

Now if you are ready to have a personal energy healing and/or sound healing session done, maybe it's time to see me in my office. I am an energy healer that assesses your chakras, sees where they are open, if they are feminine or masculine, where there are blockages, closures, and overcompensations. After doing this, I initiate the healing work that needs to be done and ask your body to send energy to the appropriate energy centres if it is safe and appropriate at this time. You may schedule an appointment here.

Please share this with those that need to hear it. Feel free to contact me to have a conversation about this matter. I'm sure I've opened up your eyes.

Love & Radiance,

Olivia Pileggi, CNP